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Ancient Coins & Artifacts:
Inexpensive Ancient Roman Coins for Sale
Sizes are given in millimeters (mm). For conversion, 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
See Also: All Roman Coin Categories
Special: Roman coin "Grab Bag" #1
$10 per coin (minimum 5). Roman bronze coins, mostly small 2nd-4th century AD rulers. Average sizes 13-23 mm. Low-grade and well-worn but each with visible details. Comes with basic attribution. #CR2588G1: $10 ea.
Special: Roman coin "Grab Bag" #2
$25 per coin. Mostly 2nd-4th century AD bronzes, with a few earlier (but more worn) types. Average sizes 14-30 mm. Nicer quality, detail on both sides, some larger examples. Occasionally a worn silver coin. Comes with full attribution. #CR2588G2: $25 ea.
Some nicer Roman coin examples at budget prices:

Constantine II, 337-340 AD. Bronze AE3 coin, Trier mint, struck 323-324 AD. His laureate head right, CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C / CAESARVM NOSTRORVM around VOT X within wreath, mintmark PTR. 19 mm, 3.25 g. ref: RIC VII 433. Excellent detail! Glossy black patina, traces of silvering. #CR2810: $99 |

Constantine II, 337-340 AD. Gorgeous bronze coin, Antioch mint, struck 335-337 AD. Laureate, cuirassed bust right, CONSTAN-TINVS IVN NOB C / Two soldiers holding spears and shields with one standard between them, GLORIA EXERCITVS; SMANS. ref: RIC VII 109. 18 mm, 2.42 g. Beautiful detail, reddish earthen deposits. #CR2592: $75 SOLD - Ask about alternates! |

Constantine II, 337-340 AD. Bronze follis, Antioch mint, struck 330-335 AD. Laureate, cuirassed bust right, CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C / Two soldiers holding spears and shields with two standards between them, GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS. Mintmark: SMANH. 17 mm, 2.61 g. ref: RIC VII Antioch 87. Nice green patina. #CR2208: $99 |

Claudius, 41-54 AD. Large bronze diobol of Alexandria, Egypt. His laureate head right, TIB KLAV KAI CEBAC GERMA; date LIA to right / Winged caduceus and four ears of corn, AYTOKRA. 26 mm, 9.38 g. ref: RPC 5182; Milne 119. Rare! #CR2628: $99 SOLD |

Gallienus, 253-268 AD. Silvered-bronze antoninianus, struck. 260-268 AD. Radiate bust right, GALLIENVS AVG / Urberitas standing left, holding purse and cornucopia, VRBERITAS AVG. 19mm, 2.82g.Dark patina with silvering evident on surfaces. cf. Cunetio hoard 1198. #CR2569: $75 |

Carinus, 283-285 AD. Bronze antoninianus, Antioch mint, struck 282-283 AD. Radiate & cuirassed bust rt., IMP C M AVR CARINVS NOB C / Carinus standing right, holding sceptre and receiving Victory from Carus, holding sceptre; VIRTVS AVGG, H below. 19.5 mm, 3.39 g. ref: RIC 206; Sear 12307. Rare emperor! #CR2579: $45 |

Roman Egypt. Vespasian, 69-79 AD. Bronze Diobol. His laureate head right, AUTOK KAIS SEBA OUESPASIANOU / Bust of Serapis right, date LA to right. ref: RPC 2433. 25 mm, 10.81 g. #CR2536: $75 |

Constantius II, 337-361 AD. Pearl-diademed and draped bust rt, DN CONSTANTIVS PF AVG / Roman soldier leaping up and spearing fallen Barbarian horseman, FEL TEMP REPARATIO (loosely translates to "Return of the Good Times"). Big 21 mm, 5.52 g. ref: RIC VIII 82v. #CR2577: $65 SOLD -
Ask about alternates! |

Roman Provincial. Nikopolis ad Istrum, Moesia. 2nd century AD, pseudo-autonomous fractional coin. Helmeted head of Athena right, NEIKOPOLEI / Bunch of wine grapes, PROC ICTRPON. ref: AMNG 1217. 14 mm, 1.89 g. Beautiful little coin! Rare. #CG2297: $99 |

Roman, Gallic Empire! (Celtic). Tetricus I, 271-274 AD. Bronze radiate Antoninianus. Radiate draped bust right, IMP C TETRICVS P F AVG / Pax standing left holding wreath and scepter, PAX AVG. 20 mm, 2.10 g. ref: RIC 100, Cohen 95. #CR2637: $80 |

Gallienus, 253-268 AD. Bronze antoninianus. His radiate head right, GALLIENVS AVG / Uberitas standing left holding purse & cornucopiae, VBERITAS AVG; E rt. 20.5 mm, 3.44 g. ref: RIC 287/585 v; Normanby hoard 209, Cohen 1009. Incredible detail! Horrible photo. Must see in-hand. #NAV086: $99 |

Maximian, 286-310 AD. Potin tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated Year 2 =
287-288 AD. Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust rt, A K M A OVA MAXIMIANOC CEB / Elpis (Spes) standing left holding flower and raising hem of skirt, L-B. 20 mm, 8.49 g. and very thick! ref: Emmett 4114. #CR2635: $85 SOLD |

Constantius II, 337-361 AD. Pearl-diademed and draped bust rt, DN CONSTANTIVS PF AVG. / Roman soldier leaping up and spearing fallen Barbarian horseman, FEL TEMP REPARATIO (loosely translates to "Return of the Good Times"); SMHB in ex. 18.5 mm, 2.74 g. ref: RIC VIII 82. Sharp detail. #CR2328: $99 SOLD |

Nero, 54-68 AD. Bronze AE18 coin of Blaundos, Lydia. Magistrate Kalligenos. His bare-headed, draped bust right, NERWN KAISAR / Apollo standing facing, head right, holding lyre, TI KLAY KALLIGENHS BLAYNDEWN. 18 mm, 5.61 g. ref: RPC 3059; BMC 63-65; RPC I 3059. Nice dark brassy tone. #CR2798: $120 |
Claudius II Gothicus, 268-270 AD. Bronze antoninianus, Rome mint. Radiate, cuirassed bust right, IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG / Jupiter standing left, head left, holding sceptre and thunderbolt, IOVI STATORI. ref: RIC 52, type 2. 22 mm, 3.77 g. Nice portrait. #CR2683: $75 SOLD

Ancient Rome. Hadrian, 117-138 AD. Bronze Dupondius, Rome Mint, struck 132-134 AD. Holed in antiquity! His bare head right with slight drapery on shoulder, HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS / Legionary galley moving left, with steersman and oarsmen, FELICITATI AVG; COS III P P. 28mm, 10.08g. ref: RIC 719b for type. Holed-through in antiquity to be worn as a badge or pendant! Mottled green and black patina with areas of corrosion. Ex Los Angeles, CA collection. #CR3563: $150 SOLD |

Rare, only five specimens known to RPC, including this coin. Provincial Rome. Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD. Bronze AE17 coin struck at Parium, Mysia. Bare head of Marcus Aurelius left, IMP CAESA MAR AV ANT / Priest plowing right with yoke of oxen, performing Pomerium ceremony, C G I H P. 17.1 mm, 2.85 grams. ref: RPC IV.2, 11252 (temporary); BMC 99; SNG Righetti 741 for type. VF, rough olive green patina. Incredibly Rare, only five specimens known to RPC, including this coin! #CR3367: $450 SOLD |

Hadrian, 117-138 AD. Huge brass sestertius, struck 125-128 AD. His laureate head right, slight drapery on far shoulder, HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS / Aequitas standing left, holding scales and long sceptre, AEQVITAS S-C. Huge 30 mm, 23.24 g. ref: RIC 637, Sear 3586, Cohen 385. Brassy patina. Nice portrait! #CR2778: $175 SOLD - Ask about alternate! |
Caracalla & wife Julia Domna, 211-217 AD. Bronze Pentassarion, Marcianopolis mint, Moesia Inferior. Facing busts of Caracalla and Domna / Nemesis standing l, holding cubit-rule & bridle, wheel at feet. Huge 28 mm. #279019: $75

Ancient Rome. Hadrian, 117-138 AD. Huge bronze sestertius. His laureate head right, HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P / Fortuna standing left, holding rudder on globe and cornucopiae, FORTVNA AVG S-C. HUGE 32mm, 23.22 grams! Olive-green patina. ref: RIC 759, Sear 3599, Cohen 763 for type. Ex De Pere, WI collection. #CR3299: $99 |

Ancient Rome. Hadrian, 117-138 AD. Huge bronze sestertius. His laureate head right, HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS / Neptune standing left, foot on prow, holding dolphin and trident, COS III S-C. HUGE 32mm, 22.21 grams! Olive-green patina. ref: RIC 634-635, Sear 3584 for type. Ex De Pere, WI collection. #CR3300: $99 |

Ancient Rome. Hadrian, 117-138 AD. Huge bronze sestertius. His laureate head right, HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS / Neptune standing left, foot on prow, holding dolphin and trident, COS III S-C. HUGE 31mm, 22.18 grams! Olive-green patina. ref: RIC 634-635, Sear 3584 for type. Ex De Pere, WI collection. #CR3301: $125 |

Ancient Rome. Lucilla, empress to Lucius Verus (164-169 AD). HUGE bronze sestertius. Her draped bust right, LVCILLA AVGVSTA / Hilaritas standing left, holding long palm and cornucopiae, HILARITAS S-C. Huge 30mm, 19.55 g. ref: RIC 1741; Cohen 30. Sear 5514. Dark brassy tone. #CR2897: $75 |
CAPRICORN! Severus Alexander, 222-235 AD. Bronze AE23 coin of Parium, Mysia. His laureate, cuirassed bust right, aegis on chest, IMP CAES L SEP SEO ALEXANDER, (partially retrograde) / C G I H P beneath capricorn swimming right, cornucopiae over shoulder and globe between forelegs. 23 mm, 5.50 g. Obv legend var of SNG Cop 300. Dark olive-green patina. Gorgeous Capricorn! Nicer than photo. Would look great in a bezel! See wildwinds.com, this coin! #CR2788: $175

Tiberius Caesar, 14-37 AD. Bronze semis, struck at Macedon, Philippi. Bare head of Tiberius right, TI AVG / Two founders or priests plowing with yoke of oxen right. 17.3 mm, 3.64 g. ref: RPC I 1657; SNG Cop 283 (Mysia, Parium); SNG France 1450 (Same) for type. aVF, Choice detail! Excellent green patina, light earthen deposits. Ex New Jersey collection. #CR3550: $199 SOLD |

"Urbs Roma", Rome commemorative bronze reduced centenionalis struck under Constantine the Great, 330-333 AD, Siscia mint. Helmeted, cuirassed bust of Roma left, VRBS ROMA / She-wolf sucking the twins Romulus & Remus. Two stars above, mintmark ASIS below. 18 mm, 2.28 g. ref: Sear 16513, RIC VII, p. 453,222. Glorious detail, olive-green patina. Near-EF! #CR2815: $150
SOLD - Ask about alternates! |

Nero! Ancient Rome. Nero, 54-68 AD. Large bronze As, struck 66 AD. His laureate head left, IMP NERO CAESAR AVG GERM / No legend, Victory alighting left, holding shield inscribed SPQR. S-C across fields. ref: RIC 352; BMCRE 249; WCN 299. 28mm, 10.12 g. Black to coppery tone. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. A budget coin of this notorious emperor! #CR2898: $125 SOLD |

Ancient Rome. Gallienus, 253-268 AD. Great bronze antoninianus, Rome mint. His radiate head right, GALLIENVS AVG / Centaur walking right, drawing bow, APOLLINI CONS AVG. Officina letter Z below. 19 mm, 2.22 g. ref: RIC V-1, 163; RSC 72; Sear 10177. ex-CNG. Stunning depiction of a centaur! #NAV071: $145 |

Ancient Rome. Gallienus, 253-268 AD. Great bronze antoninianus, Rome mint. His radiate head right, GALLIENVS AVG / Pegasus springing right, heavenward, SOLI CONS AVG. Mintmark A. 21 mm, 2.90 g. ref: Goebl 712b; RIC V-1, Rome 283 var; cf Sear 10362. #NAV070: $160 SOLD |
Ancient Rome. Gordian III, 238-244 AD. Silver antoninianus, struck 238-239 AD. Hisradiate draped bust right, IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG / Fides standing with standard and sceptre, FIDES MILITVM. 23 mm, 4.54 g. ref: RIC 1, RSC 86, Sear 8609. Great detail, lustrous surfaces, some green encrustations. #NAV061: $85 SOLD - Ask about alternates!

Constantinople Commemorative, struck under Constantine I The Great, 330-337 AD. Bronze coins struck 330-331 AD. Helmeted bust of Constantinopolis left, CONSTANTINOPOLIS / Victory standing left on foot of prow of ship with scepter and leaning on shield. ref: RIC 548v. A nice selection, and budget priced! #CR2437G: $50 ea. |

Ancient Rome. Hadrian, 117-138 AD. HUGE bronze sestertius struck 127 AD. His laureate head right, HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS / Roma seated left, holding Victory and cornucopiae, shield behind her, COS III; SC below. ref: Cohen 343, BMC 1286, RIC 636, Sear 3585. 32mm, 23.77 g. ex De Pere, WI collection. #CR3225: $125 |

Caracalla and Geta, 198-209 AD. Co-emperors, brothers and rivals to the death. Bronze Pentassarion, Marcianopolis mint, Moesia Inferior. Facing busts of Caracalla and Geta, both laureate and draped / Tyche standing l, holding rudder & cornucopiae. 27 mm. ref: AMNG 652. #279013: $75 SOLD |

Gordian III, 238-244 AD. Large bronze coin of Gadara, Syria.
Dated Year 303 239-240 AD). His laureate, draped, & cuirassed bust rt., AVTOK K M ANT GORDIANOC CEB / Roman galley (ship) right with eight oarsmen, a helmsman, and a soldier holding signum standing on prow; date GT below, POMP GADAWN. 26 mm, 16.45 g. ref: Spijkerman 93; Rosenberger 90. Olive green patina, earthen deposits. Huge, thick and heavy coin. Incredible ship! This coin is a beauty. #CR2304: $199 SOLD |

Gordian III, 238-244 AD. Large bronze coin of Gadara, Syria.
Dated Year 303 239-240 AD). His laureate, draped, & cuirassed bust rt., AVTOK K M ANT GORDIANOC CEB / Roman galley (ship) right with eight oarsmen, a helmsman, and a soldier holding signum standing on prow; date GT below, POMP GADAWN. 25 mm, 12.16 g. ref: Spijkerman 93; Rosenberger 90. Reddish-green patina, earthen deposits. Nice ship depiction... much better than the photo allows. #CR2301: $125 SOLD |

Gallienus, 253-268 AD. Bronze antoninianus, Sole reign. Siscia or Rome mint. His radiate head right, GALLIENVS AVG / Uberitas standing left holding purse & cornucopiae, VBERITAS AVG; E to right. 21 mm, 3.00 g. ref: RIC 287/585v, Cunetio hoard 1200, Normanby hoard 209, Minster hoard 44, Appleshaw hoard 49, Kirkby hoard 11, Göbl 0583a, Cohen 1009. Silvering still on surfaces. Incredible detail! #NAV087: $125 |

Gallienus, 253-268 AD. Silver antoninianus. His radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right, IMP C P LIC GALLIENVS AVG / Valerian & Gallienus standing facing each other, holding sceptres, globe & Victory; VIRTVS AVGG. 20 mm, 3.88 g. ref: RSC 1311, RIC 455[j]. ex-Gimbel's, purchased in 1957! #CR2523: $75 SOLD |

Imperial Rome, Maxentius, 309 - 312 AD. Bronze Follis, Ostia mint. 6th Officina. IMP C MAXENTIVS PF AVG, his laureate head rt. / AETERNITAS AVG N, Castor and Pollux facing one another, holding horses to center & spears to outside, MOSTS in ex. 25x23 mm, 6.33g. ref: RIC 35. Awesome coin! #125031: $125 SOLD |

Imperial Rome, Maxentius, 309 - 312 AD. Bronze Follis, Ostia mint. 4th Officina. IMP C MAXENTIVS PF AVG, his laureate head rt. / AETERNITAS AVG N, Castor and Pollux facing one another, holding horses to center & spears to outside, MOSTS in ex. 23 mm, 6.22g. ref: RIC 35. Great patina! #125032: $150 SOLD |

Commodus, 180-192 AD.
Thick bronze sestertius, struck c. 190-192 AD. His laureate bust right / two crossed cornucopiae. 26 mm and thick! A decent, large coin of the notorious Commodus at a very low price! Better than photo. #0389: $65 |

Provincial Rome. Gordian III, 238-244 AD. AE28 of Hadrianopolis. Laureate, Draped bust rt., AVT K M ANT GOPDIANOC AVG / Demeter standing left, with corn ears & torch. ADRIANOPOLEITWN. 28 mm, 8.6 g. Moushmov 2703. Nice, lustrous emerald-green patina #GV0590: $75 |

Roman Egypt. Antoninus Pius, 138-161 AD. HUGE bronze drachm struck at Alexandria. Laureate bust of Antoninus Pius right / Bust of Serapis right, modius on head. Massive 35 mm, 23.60 grams! Heavy earthen deposits. Holed in ancient times! #CR2535: $125 |

Roman Egypt. Trajan, 98-117 AD. Large bronze drachm, struck year 1 (98 AD). His laureate head right, TRAIAN CEB GERM AVT KAIC NER / Nilus reclining left, holding reed and cornucopiae. ref: Milne 545; Emmett 550. 28 mm, 13.29 g. #CR2537: $35 SOLD |
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Owned, Operated, and Obsessed Upon by Gabriel Vandervort.
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Related terms: ancient Roman coins for sale, ancient Roman bronze coins for sale, ancient Rome coins for sale, ancient Rome bronze coins for sale, ancient Roman coins, ancient Roman bronze coins, Roman coins,ancient Roman coin for sale, ancient Roman bronze coin for sale, ancient Rome coin for sale, ancient coin dealer Los Angeles
Constantius I, 305-306 AD. Bronze post-reform radiate, struck 294-299 AD. Radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right, FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES / Constantius standing right receiving globe from Jupiter standing opposite and holding a sceptre, K B, CONCORDIA MILITVM. 32 mm, 2.12 g. ref: RIC 19a. #CR2625: $99 SOLD
Valerian I, 253-260 AD. Billon Antoninianus. Rome mint, struck 256-257 AD. His radiate and draped bust right, IMP C P LIC VALERIANVS P F AVG / Emperor standing left holding spear and raising a kneeling figure, RESTITVTOR ORBIS. 18mm, 3.21g. ref: RIC 117; RCV 9968. #CR2570: $50 SOLD
Roman, Gallic Empire! (Celtic). Tetricus I, 271-274 AD. Bronze antoninianus c. 270-273 AD. Radiate, cuirassed bust right, IMP C TETRICVS PF AVG / Pax, standing left, holding olive branch and vertical sceptre, PAX AVG around (garbled). 18 mm, 2.76 g. ref: RIC V-2, 100 var. Crude imitative style. #CR2666: $99 SOLD
Nero, 54-68 AD. Bronze Dupondius , struck c. 64 AD. His radiate head left, NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GER P M TR P IMP P P / Victory flying left, holding wreath & palm, VICTORIA AVGVSTI S-C. 28 mm, 9.81 g. ref: RIC 197-var. Deep olive-green patina. Ex P. Nash, Florida Collection. A budget Nero! #CR2808: $150 SOLD
Hadrian, 117-138 AD. Bronze As, struck 132-134 AD. HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / FELICITATI AVG COS III P P S-C. galley travelling right with oarsmen and steersman, military standard on prow. 26 mm, 9.74 g. ref: RIC 718, Cohen 691. Dark, coppery patina. Scarce! #CR2840: $125 SOLD
Ancient Rome. Diocletian, 284-305 AD. Bronze antoninianus, set in custom gold bezel. His radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, IMP CC VAL DIOCLETIANVS AVG / Diocletian standing right, holding parazonium, receiving Victory from Jupiter standing left, holding sceptre, CONCORDIA MILITVM; A in lower center. ref: RIC V 256, Cohen 33 for type. Olive-green patina with earthen highlights. Total bezel diameter 20mm (15/16"). Ex Los Angeles, CA collection formed in the 1970’s-1980’s. #JN2339: $299 SOLD
Ancient Rome. Domitian, 81-96 AD. Huge brass sestertius, struck 82 AD. His laureate head right, IMP CAES DIVI VESP F DOMITIAN AVG P M / Minerva standing left, holding spear, left hand on hip, TR P COS VIII DES VIIII P P, S-C. ref: RIC 105, BMC 274. Huge 32 mm, 23.86 grams and very thick! Deep coppery tone. #CR3006: $150 SOLD
Ancient Rome. Faustina the Younger, 161-c.180 AD. Empress to Marcus Aurelius. Large bronze As. Her draped bust right, FAVSTINA AVGVSTA / Diana standing left, holding long torch in both hands, DIANA LVCIF. 24.5 mm, 7.43 g. ref: RIC 1629, Cohen 86; Sear5 5293. Chocolate-brown patina, stunning portrait! ex-Chip Vaughn. #CR2975: $160 SOLD
Commodus, 177-192 AD. Large bronze sestertius, struck 180 AD. M COMMODVS ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / LIBERALITAS AVG TR P V IMP IIII COS II P P S-C, Commodus standing left on platform with two attendants dispensing largess to citizen mounting steps. 29 mm, 22.56 g. ref: RIC 300, Cohen 305, BMC 377-380. Great deep olive-grean to dark reddish tone. ex-Riverside County, CA private collection, purchased from Coin Galleries, NY, Jan 29, 1970. #CR3032: $275 SOLD
Ancient Roman-Egyptian coin pendant depicting Isis sucking Horus! Coin struck at Alexandria, Egypt, under Roman emperor Antoninus Pius (138 - 161 AD). Bronze drachm struck 139-140 AD. The reverse side depicts the goddess Isis seated and suckling the infant Horus in her lap, LΔE-KATOV / Obverse with his bust right, AVT K AIΛ AΔP ANTΩNEINOC CEB EYC. Pierced in antiquity to be worn! 22mm diameter. Ex Washington, DC private collection. #CE2079: $150 SOLD